The Corno river

The Corno river is a left tributary of the Nera and its source is in the Terminillo Mountain, in Lazio region. It flows overall 56 km in Lazio and Umbria regions and flows into the Nera at Triponzo.

The path along the river is particularly picturesque and suitable even for families, in an environment rich in greenery. It’s safe and nevertheless fun and exciting. The descent can be easily performed by everybody, without any special physical skill.

The Corno river is one of the few rivers still uncontaminated in Italy, renown for the purity of its water and the beauty of the landscape. It sometimes flows narrow and sparky, sometimes  large and calm (allowing) giving the sight on the steep mountains that close the valley.

The most evocative stretch is in Biselli canyon where thanks to the still water you have time to admire the surrounding  nature, the overhanging rocks, with a stop at small beaches in big caves that the river has been digging over the years; we traditionally make a stop to drink at a natural water spring, under the ruins of an ancient roman bridge.

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